

A Strategy is a smart contract that reflects the current strategy of the Standard Protocol to handle the issuance of Stable currency tokens generated by the users and Smart Vaults respectively. The DAO will set the rules and vote on different aspects.

There are two types of strategies.

Global Strategy

A global strategy will affect all smart vaults and is used by all collateral managers at the same time. Global strategies are used by smart vaults. Use cases are.

  1. Stability Fee

  2. Network Fee

  3. Ratio Stability Fee / Network Fee

Local Strategy

A local strategy is by definition a single instance of smart vault. Local Strategies take global strategies into account overwriting however if necessary the parameters of certain function.

A LocalStrategy contract needs to be deployed for each colleteral/stablecoin/smart vault. Only DAO approved strategies can be deployed and only DAO approved tokens can be used as colletoral


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